Tuesday 8 October 2013


Hello kids! We are now in the month of October with the new school timetable. Remember: Lesson 1 : 9.00 to 10.00 Lesson 2 : 10.00-11.00 Lesson 3 : 11.00- 11.45 BREAK : 11.45-12.15 Lesson 4 : 12.15-13.15 Lesson 5 : 13.15- 14.00 We are finishing unit 1, and this week you are going to do the unit 1 tests. Here are the TEST DATES: WEDNESDAY 9TH OCTOBER: 13.15 5ºB THURSDAY 10TH OCTOBER . 12.15 : 6ºB FRIDAY 11TH OCTOBER : 9.00 6ºA 10.00 5º A 11.00 3ºA 12.15 3ºB UNIT 1 CONTENTS 3ºAB: a) Family members b) School : people, places, school subjects c) Sh / s phonics d) She's the class teacher. He's the caretaker. Jack is Lily's brother. UNIT 1 CONTENTS 5ºAB: 1)Body parts 2) Parts of the face 3) have got/ has got / haven't got/ hasn't got 4) paly / go / do with activities 5) Phonics sound ou / ei UNIT 1 6ºAB: 1) There is / there are ( repaso de 4º y 5º) 2) Present continuous ( repaso de 4º y 5º) 3) Weather vocab ( temperature, humidity, sunny/ cloudy/ raining etc.) 4) Clothes 5) Objects in the house ( radiator, curtains, etc.) Here is the link: http://englishinnavalcarnero.wikispaces.com/TEST+PREPARATION+SHEETS" target="_blank">TEST PREPARATION SHEETS CLICK ON THE LINK ( PINCHA EN EL ENLACE DE SIEMPRE)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pam: Don´t you make the November timetable? We need it.


 26th November 2021 Dear students, From now on you can only access the material to help you using the AULA VIRTUAL for your class. The Test ...